Benefit Quick-Germ® is intended to be used as a seed treatment as follows:
Home & Garden:
when digging out the holes to plant live plants, simply sprinkle a small amount into the
hole before setting the plant. For seed, once seed are laid into the open row, sprinkle lightly over each
seed before covering up. It can also be applied to potted plants directly on the soil before watering. If
using a small hand operated mechanical single-row planter, fill with seed and add 1 rounded teaspoon
to the seed box before planting.
Planter Treatment:
Apply 4 ounces per 100lbs of seed to each planter box after filling boxes. There's no need to stir it in. Just measure and pour Quick-Germ across the top after filling the seed box. Let the static electric charge created by filling the seed box take it from there. If treating with a liquid system, dilute 16 ounces into a gallon of water and that treats 50 units. NOTE: Once treated, it is important to plant the seed within 48 hours for best results.
Benefit Quick-Germ® will speed up the activity in the root zone of the germinating seeds.
This will help increase the vigor of the emerging plants as well as increase survivability in early
conditions plants may experience. Also, it is noticed the soil temperature around the seed increases
slightly faster that other soil. This helps establish germination and emergence quickly and efficiently.