Solvent Free: While some processors claim solvent free in a CO2 operation, the oil still must be refined using solvent based methods. Also, CO2 is a very dirty process and contamination is a common concern for this process. The other common methods like negative ethanol are still the dominant process used in the industry. BENEFIT utilizes a more natural mimicking process that means absolutely no solvents all the way to the final product. It is clean enough to consume right off the production line.
Full Spectrum: Even when our varieties contain differing amounts of Terpenes, we still have a remaining oil that contains a wider than normal or non-isolated blend of Cannabinoids for full effect of the benefits of CBD and its compounds.
Nano Particle: The nature of our process rearranges the molecular structure so each drop of oil contains billions of structures that will absorb faster into the body either internally or externally to enhance the effects and address problems like pain and soreness immediately.
Sugar Free: We do not add any refined sugar products to enhance our product. We use all-natural sugar alternatives like Stevia. Our flavors are sourced from a natural production process and made exclusively for our oils.
SLEEP – Contains higher amounts of CARYOPHYLLENE, LINALOOL & MRYCENE.
STRESS – Contains higher amounts of LIMONENE & LINALOOL.
WEIGHT – Contains higher amounts of HUMULENE & LIMONENE.
CALM – Contains higher amounts of PINENE & TRANS-NEROLIDOL.
PAIN – Contains higher amounts of EUCALYPTOL, GERANIOL & MRYCENE.
HEADACHE – Contains higher amounts of BORNEOL, MRYCENE & VALENCENE.
PET – Contains higher amounts of PHYTOL, TERPINOLENE & VALENCENE.
JOINT – Contains higher amounts of BORNEOL, CARYOPHYLLENE & DELTA 3 CARENE.
BISABOLOL: anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, anti-microbial (skin lesion)
BORNEOL: anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive (pain relief, eyesight)
CAMPHENE: antioxidant (skin and heart)
CARYOPHYLLENE: anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal (sleep, muscle spasms and pain relief)
DELTA 3 CARENE: anti-inflammatory (bone stimulant, memory)
EUCALYPTOL: anti-bacterial, anti-fungal (memory and pain)
GERANIOL: antioxidant, neuroprotectant (cellular growth and pain)
HUMULENE: anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory (cellular growth, appetite suppression, pain)
LIMONENE: anti-anxiety (digestion, liver detox, weight management, sleep)
LINALOOL: anti-anxiety, anti-epileptic, anti-psychotic (depression, convulsions, insomnia, pain)
MRYCENE: relaxing, sedating, anti-inflammatory (insomnia, spasms, pain)
PINENE: anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-microbial (memory, depression, alertness, breathing)
PHYTOL: relaxing, immunosuppressant (itching, sleep, wound care)
TERPINOLENE: relaxing, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic (wound care, cardiovascular support, sleep)
TRANS-NEROLIDOL: anti-microbial antioxidant, anti-parasitic (relaxation, skin inflammation)
VALENCENE: anti-inflammatory, anti-melanogenesis, antiallergic (memory, skin blemishes)
Benefit CBD Oil Customer
Benefit CBD Oil Customer
Benefit CBD Oil Customer