The Benefit Hay & Cattle system has two primary functions.  The first being that we can increase production of your hay growth and the second being that we can then increase the feed value of any hay that our Backgrounding or Fattening products are added to.  They both serve as a preservative, feed enhancer and an extender to the hay they are added to when baling or to silage when it's cut and put in a bunker.




Our hay business has been growing in Indiana continuously, and with exponential costs of synthetic fertilizers we needed to find an alternative source to produce our grass hay. We normally fertilize with synthetics heavily 3 times each season for 3 cuttings. This year we almost took out all the synthetic fertilizer and replaced it with Benefit applications. Unfortunately, our area in Indiana was hit with a severe drought which made it difficult to compare previous years tonnage per acre compared to this season with Benefit.  I did notice a fast initial growth, and faster green up, but with lack of rain, growth was very limited. I plan to attack next season with the same plan, less synthetics and continue using the Benefit program with the goal of slowly increasing my tonnage each year and totally eliminating the costly synthetic fertilizers. I have been stuck at the 4 tons per acre for years using synthetics, and I am looking forward to breaking that ceiling with Benefit Hay!

Chris Friebel - Indiana

We raise cattle in Central Oklahoma and we wanted to fertilize our pastures but fertilizer has gotten really expensive. We decided to do a trial using Benefit Hay biological fertilizer. They said that in addition to fertilizing for more production, the biologicals will improve soil health and increase drought tolerance. They told us to choose part of our pasture for a trial, and to commit at least two or three years because the soil improvements will increase the longer we use Benefit. That was in the spring of 2022 and we had a bad drought in our area that year. But even during the first year of our trial we noticed that where we used Benefit the grass seemed to stay green longer, and it definitely greened-up faster and started growing again faster when we did get rain. In other drought years we've had to feed hay early or even sell off some cattle. This year the neighbor's pastures were out of grass and they started feeding hay before we did, and we didn't have to sell off any cattle. We've decided to continue using Benefit Hay on our pastures and we've already ordered enough to double the number of acres over what we did last year! 

 Gavin Albright - Oklahoma

We put up a lot of hay every year on our farm in Tennessee. Because fertilizer has gotten so expensive, we had to look at other options and we decided to do a trial using Benefit Hay by Energy Curve Technology. They told us that in addition to foliar fertility, the biological formula will improve soil health which will increase our total production, but that's a process that doesn't happen with a single application or even a single season. They suggested that we choose a field that we would be willing to commit to using Benefit Hay for two or three years to fully realize the improvements. For our trial we chose a field that normally produces about nine bales from first-cutting, three to four bales from second-cutting and depending on rainfall we may or may not get a third-cutting. For the Benefit Hay trial, we took our usual nine bales from first-cutting, and during a drier year than last year, we took nine bales again, for more than double our normal second-crop production. The field where we used Benefit Hay greened up faster after cutting, it grew faster, and it is clearly outproducing our other hayfields. We can already see that third-cutting with Benefit Hay is going to be just as productive as first and second cuttings were. We're using Benefit Hay on a lot more acres next year!  

Matt Haskins - Tennessee

I grow Perennial Peanut Grass in Madison County Florida. This is my first year using Benefit Hay. In spite of a dry spring and early summer, I got my first cutting on August 4. With our rainfall returning, I saw a quick green up and tremendous growth. I can see some bare spots in my field starting to fill in as well. Presently, my field looks better than it ever has. I am looking forward to continued improvements in both plant health and yield. 

 Rick Hamilton – Florida


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