This blend contains the following clovers: Ladino, Berseem, Red/Crimson varieties. Benefit Spring Seed also comes pre-treated with Benefit Quick Germ. Benefit Quick Germ is a powder seed treatment and nutrient enhancer.
This is a blend that supplies massive amounts of easily digestible food along with a steady stream of both probiotics and probiotics. This blend produces a very palatable food source that increases mass in deer and other wildlife. It is extremely effective in aiding does in their recovery from the birth process.
The benefit of this blend extends to providing extra amounts of easily digestible fiber and available nutrients. When grown with Benefit Plot fertilizer, the mineral load in these species meets or exceeds all other legumes. As an added benefit, this mix is very supportive of the soil and its regenerative qualities that assist in suppressing invasive weeds and insects. This lowers the overall exposure of the food plot to disease and stressful conditions like drought and temperature swings.
Benefit Clover Mix is highly diverse and can grow in most all soils and environments. As with anything in growing plants it is recommended to have the ground soil tested and adjusted for pH if needed. Continual maintenance is not necessary if deer are rotating through the plot regularly.
PLANT RATE: 4LBS of mix per 1/2 acre