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This blend contains the following: Buckwheat, Forage Peas, Black Oats, Collards, and Purple top turnips. Benefit Fall Seed also comes pre treated with Benefit Quick Germ. Benefit Quick Germ is a powder seed treatment and nutrient enhancer.

Planting Rate is 4 pounds per 1/2 acre.

Benefit Fall Seed is a blend designed to attract deer and produce early fall high quality forage for whitetails while also benefiting the plot by enhancing soil health and regeneration of minerals to keep the plot strong for years at a time. It includes legumes that reach peak palatability at different times including the most hardiest clover available in order to have a growing and attractive plot during hunts late into the deer season. The other components of this blend are chosen for the differing peak benefit of each. This ensures there are varieties and species available at their peak during the entire season. The buckwheat attracts deer from when it jumps out of the soil until it’s killed by cold temperatures. This blend addresses the health of the deer by keeping does in their best condition to support a newborn fawn. Also, deer get a jump on recovering from the birthing process and rebound much quicker with a plot they can rely upon throughout the winter months and into the early spring.

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